Google Classroom
Getting Started
Go to Google Classroom
1. Open Google Chrome or any web browser
2a. Go to Google Classroom: Video
Type in "classroom" in the search bar and choose "Google Classroom"
2b. Click "Apps" and open the "Web Store"
Search for "classroom," click "+ add to Chrome" for "Google Classroom"
Click "Add app" and then click on the icon
3. Choose role:
Teachers: Click “Teachers,”
Students: Click “Students”
4. Classes: Create or Join
Teachers: + Button, then "Create class"
Students: + Button, then "Join class"
5. Edit the theme: Video
6. Add co-teachers: Video
"About" tab
"Invite teachers" (left-side)
Other: Edit the name of the classroom, etc.
Click on the hot dog icon (top-left) then "Classes"
7. Add Students
Manually add each student ("Students" tab): Video
Students join the class with a class code (left-side while in the class)
8. Students should bookmark the website: (home page)
If they have more than 1 class, this page helps the most
9. Create an announcement, question, or assignment:
Announcement: Text or a link
Question: Students answer and turn in
Assignment: Students answer, include work, and turn in
10. Continue on to the "CONTENT" page of this website